
Psychoeducation and Self -Awareness Training

“Facts hold value but your perspective on them defines their true impact”

-Dr. Vishal Ganar

At PsychoSukha, psychoeducation and self-awareness training are thought to become the base of better mental health and growth in the individual. Our concept of education includes people who have to learn about the psychological process that leads them to their respective emotions or behavior so as to help them get over the problems of mental health with their respective counterparts.

We provide psychoeducative programs, making people aware of psychological conditions, how to cope, and how certain thoughts and behavior can influence well-being. It demystifies mental health issues, thereby getting an early alarm for the possible signs of stress, anxiety, or other psychological conditions to allow timely intervention.

This is supported by self-awareness training by which the individual explores his inner mind, emotions, and behavioral patterns. Mindfulness exercises, reflective exercises, and one-to-one counseling aid the individual in gaining greater awareness of himself. Self-awareness results in better decision-making and good relations with people, besides gaining strength to face challenges of life.

PsychoSukha is the word wherein the motto reads, Educating, Exploring and Evolving. So, in simple words, our motto is helping people understand intellectual aspects towards achieving emotional freedom. It applies psychoeducation in line with self-awareness training to offer transformation tools that help one gain self-confidence and vision over the way to live a life more contentedly. PsychoSukha believes that Sukh-which refers to mental peace and well-being must be propagated amongst all generations and walks of life.

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